Sunday, July 14, 2013

Faith in Evolution

 Have you ever been afraid to talk with Atheists? Do you feel ill-equipped to debate with "intellectuals" who put their faith in Darwinian Evolution? Well, the new documentary, Evolution Vs. God, by Living Waters Publications will show you that you have no reason to fear. This film proves that Atheists have blind faith in evolution and only regurgitate what others have taught them. 

Ray Comfort, author of numerous books and co-host of "The Way of the Master" television show, interviews renowned scholars and professors regarding the evidence for evolution. They are unable to provide even one example. The documentary also delves into the reason behind their unwavering devotion to a
Ray Comfort
theory that has never been proven. “Evolution vs. God will rock the creation and evolution world” says Ken Ham, CEO of Answers in Genesis/Creation Museum.

Evolution Vs. God doesn't just destroy the false religion of Atheism. It also presents a very clear message about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Everyone interviewed in the film was a professing Atheist or Evolutionist and Ray Comfort masterfully weaves the Good News into his discussions with each of them. Paul Washer, founder of HeartCry Missionary Society said that Evolution Vs. God “confronts the absurdity of atheism with the same power with which '180' confronts the atrocity of abortion.”

You can purchase a download of the film for $19.99 and DVD copies will be available on August 9th. If you know anyone who believes in evolution, this film will cause their "faith" to be shaken!